He Says There's Nothing We Can Do About It
A film screening sparking discussion on whether media coverage in regards to young people is accurate
Date And Time
Wed, 13 November 2019
18:00 – 20:00 GMT
David Lean Cinema
Katharine Street
United Kingdom
Summer Activities
4 weeks of fun featuring a wide range of FREE activities
Fencing and Music
Enriching Lives Holiday Programme
Knife Crime Research booklet
This event will be held in Croydon and we will be having a London wide launch at City Hall in June. Due to size capacity, we will give priority to those who either live or work in Croydon and ask that you please send us an email to register your interest for the City Hall event and we will notify you via our newsletter — office@music-relief.org
Crystal Palace Football Club, Stanley Stephenson Lounge
Whitehorse Lane
SE25 6PU
United Kingdom
Don't Judge Me
15th July 2017
Braithwaite Halls, Croydon Clocktower
Katherine Street, Croydon
CR9 1ET, United Kingdom
Join us for what promises to be an entertaining evening of music, drama, speeches and presentations. Over the last few months, the young people have been working on Music Relief’s project ‘My Life, My Progress’ with T.I.A, an organisation of likeminded individuals with over 40 years of experience. Engaging in discussions giving them a platform to speak out against the negativity of some youths who portray all youths in a negative light. Using the medium of drama, poetry and spoken words, the young people have garnered all their knowledge from some life experiences, knowledge acquired from the workshops, and the visit from Superintendent Jeff Booth and his colleagues, It promises to be an inspirational, uplifting and fun-filled event. .
Engaging Youths and Authorities on Knife Crime
16 November 2017 19:00 – 21:00 BST Westminster House, 7 Millbank Westminster, London SW1P3JA
Special Guests:
Sarah Jones
MP Chief Superintendent Jeff Boothe
Yemi Hughes
Crystal Palace Football Club, Stanley Stephenson
Lounge Whitehorse Lane
London SE25 6PU
United Kingdom
Knife Crime — Business Research and Community
As a local business have you been impacted by knife crime? Do you feel that the current policies are effective at solving the problems and is there something more that we could be doing?
After three months of fieldwork researching the social causes of knife crime in Croydon, we have produced two booklets that will support the work of activists and policymakers. We are preparing for the launch of these booklets, a local one in November and another at City Hall next year.
We will like to invite local businesses and associations to our presentation day to hear more about the work and how you could be part of it and promote your role and involvement within the community.
23 August 2018
12:00 – 14:00pm BST
West Croydon Methodist Church
London Road
United Kingdom