The More Than Able (MTA) Leadership Academy is developed and delivered by Music Relief Foundation (MRF), a youth charity with more than ten years’ experience working within the grassroots community to support young people and their families. MRF delivers tailored workshops and mentoring sessions that consider students’ individual needs. The aim is to promote certain values in young people, such as good citizenship, communicating effectively and respecting oneself and others, steering away from criminal activities.

The workshops explore youth culture, looking at communication, fashion and music, with topics including:

• The transition from primary to secondary school

• The role of social media, self-expression, friendship groups or peer pressure in encouraging youth violence

• Possible contributing factors to poor behaviour, such as domestic abuse, parental drug or alcohol dependency, mental health problems or personal issues

As the workshops are on neutral ground and harness the power of music, this encourages engagement and positive behavioural changes. The programme acts as additional support to any young person who uses our services.



To promote positive messages among young people, steering them away from crime and youth violence.


To develop a solid youth culture of doing positive things through experiential therapeutic workshops.


To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing disadvantaged people from being socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society.


• Reduce the need for expulsion

• Encourage engagement at schools

• Tailor support to individual needs

• Deter young people from a life of crime

“This project has taught me that if anyone peer pressures me to do anything that I feel is wrong, I’ll step away. I don’t care if they call me names because I know I’m better than that, and I know that I can do better and succeed in my dreams.”



The MTA Leadership Academy consists of a 90-minute session each week for 8 weeks. The training is based on a curriculum designed to help students identify and solve issues that are affecting their potential for a positive future. It is conducted by trained youth workers and participants will have online or face-to-face mentorship sessions for 6 months. There are also regular feedback sessions from school teachers and youth workers.

Who is it for?

• Years 7-10 and year 12, sixth form/college students.

• Students identified as vulnerable and at risk of exclusion, engaging in criminal activities or child exploitation

• 10–12 participants per session


A teaching assistant must be available to sit in on sessions.

Programme fee: £1200 for eight weeks per group


Our ambassadors at More Than Able (MTA) are a dynamic team of volunteers aged 11–25 years. They work together to tackle youth barriers within society, engage with policymakers, support Music Relief Foundation (MRF) to represent the voices of young people and improve the disconnect and communication between young people and relevant stakeholders (e.g parents, teachers, communities and council representatives).


After School Club Fencing Academy

Fencing provides escapism and challenges students mentally and physically, which is essential for health and wellness. These advantages will help children succeed outside of the sport.

My Life, My Purpose

My Life, My Purpose is a mentoring and support programme that is designed to boost self-esteem, self-confidence and teach transferable skills. It gives young people positive role models and is tailored to each student’s individual needs.


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