More Than Able Academy (MTA) is a youth leadership program providing both prevention and intervention support working with children, schools, and families to help reduce the behaviours that lead to exclusion and promote leadership values such as service, duty, and selflessness. Developed and delivered by Music Relief Foundation (MRF), a youth charity with over ten years of expertise working within the grassroots community to support young people and their families.
MRF delivers tailored workshops and mentoring sessions that consider students' individual needs, intending to promote specific values in young
people. Values such as respect for oneself and others steering away from criminal activities, effective communication, and good citizenship. These workshops explore youth culture regarding communication, fashion, and music. Breaking it into topics such as:
• The transition from primary to secondary school
• The role of social media, self-expression, friendship groups, peer pressure
that encourages youth violence
• Domestic abuse, parental drug or alcohol dependency, mental health, and
personal issues to identify the influences of poor behaviour.
We find coming in on the neutral ground and harnessing the power of music as an advantage encourages engagement and positive behavioural changes. The program acts as additional support to any young person who requires our services.
Covid-19 has provided a potent reminder of school's dual role as learning institutions and a crucial part of the local social fabric. Creating an opportunity to encourage a more expansive, more inclusive way of assessing the success of students, schools and the system, playing an influential role in the life of the young person and as civic institutions, contributing to the advancement of communities, not just the person.

"When I first heard about the program, I did not think much, but after knowing it I have seen that I am more than able to follow my dreams, succeed in life, and make others happy" – S. "This project has taught me that if anyone peer pressures me to do anything and I feel like it's wrong, I'll step away. I don't care if they call me names or anything cause I know I'm better than that, and I know that I can do better stuff than that to succeed in my dreams"