March 6, 2019Our Society is FracturedThere are things in the lives of others that we may have identified and do not like, but before throwing the first stone at them let […]
March 6, 20195 Reasons Why Young People are Like Sponges and Can Easily be Influenced NegativelyThe biggest thing I have learned over the years working with young people and being a parent to 4 children ranging from 18 – 5, is […]
March 6, 2019Enough of Saying R.I.P to our Future LeadersI was recently asked, why did Music Relief Foundation start focusing their projects to reduce knife crime amongst the youths? I responded and said, youths are […]
March 6, 2019Are We Losing the Battle to Save Our Youths?I am deeply concerned about what is going on amongst the youths, especially those under the age of 16 years; who are allowed to have smartphones. […]